Cum Laude Music Awards
The Non Profit Music Foundation has among its activities the promotion of contemporary classical consonant music, if we can still call it classical. Since 2003 we have promoted this type of music and we have always had the need to clarify what the word consonant means.
For this reason, the Non Profit Music Foundation announces the Cum Laude Music Awards every two years. This international competition aims to stimulate contemporary creation and focuses on rewarding the recording and dissemination of the work at an international level and complementing it, where appropriate, with the premiere in Spain of the winning works. This is a self-financed competition, so the registration fees for the competition guarantee the funds allocated to the prize. With a total of more than two hundred participants of all ages, cultures and religions and from nearly a hundred countries, in its two editions the CLMA has consolidated itself as one of the most relevant contemporary chamber music creation competitions in the world.
We call consonant music to all written music that brings together the composer, the performers and the audience. It is simple: a composer writes the work, a performer perform it and the audience understands it.
To make a long story short: if a composer or publisher believes that consonant music is the same as tonal music or music that sounds beautiful, he is wrong. The following example we think will make it clearer: What is not consonant music? 4'33" by John Cage or Karlheinz Stockhausen's Helicopter String Quartet. So if the music a composer writes does not match the previous works it is probably consonant.
A score that has more explanations and reasoning about the work itself, than the notes on the staves, is not consonant music. Possibly it is more than music, but for our interest it is the consonant music that motivates us to our mission.
It is precisely the absence of consonant music in the concert hall program that has made most of the audience leave the concert hall. Our purpose is the opposite. To make it come back. That is why the motto of the Cum Laude Music Awards is to premiere, perform, record and disseminate new works for a new audience.
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Record Company
The first activity of the Non Profit Music Foundation was the creation of the Non Profit Music record label. Due to the complexity involved in creating a foundation, the first steps were taken towards the creation of an independent record company that would make new composers known within contemporary instrumental music. On the occasion of the 10th anniversary of the Foundation, the Non Profit Music record label has become an active part of the foundation, absorbing all the activity and functions of the independent company.
Video Production Company
The Non Profit Music Foundation calls for applications for the recording of videos that help musicians and composers to disseminate their work. It has signed a collaboration agreement with Hinves Pianos, distributors of Steinway and Sons in Spain, for the streaming series Pianolab Pearls. Select this option in the menu of this web page to proceed to its viewing.
Charity Concerts
The Non Profit Music Foundation convenes and organizes concerts whose benefits are destined to the causes or NGOs with which it collaborates. For each concert, a director, performer, ensemble or orchestra of recognized prestige is selected to be entrusted with a certain repertoire aimed at achieving reconciliation between the public and contemporary classical music.
The selected repertoire is always intended to make known or disseminate contemporary composers who are not usually programmed in Spain. For the Non Profit Music Foundation, a composer is included in the contemporary category if their works have copyright in force and, therefore, have not entered the public domain. The Foundation chooses composers whose vision of music, far from being experimental or innovative, focuses on classical harmony and melody, which some authors call consonant music. Consonant music has been coexisting with the most innovative trends, which, however, have most distanced the public from classical music due to their lack of understanding, but given its accessibility to the audience, it has been relegated to an undeserved second place.
Research, Development and Innovation
Promoting the completion of Doctoral Theses and Final Projects applied to research, development and innovation in composition, recording and music production techniques, as well as the dissemination of content using telecommunication systems, is another of the fundamental objectives of the Non Profit Music Foundation. To this end, an advisory service will be established for students to help them carry out their projects, and agreements sponsored by this Foundation and Spanish and international universities will be promoted.