The Foundation
The Non Profit Music Foundation was constituted on the initiative of the music writer Jorge Grundman on 2004, December 23rd and after obtaining a favourable report from the Regional Minister of Culture and Sports of the Community of Madrid regarding the adequacy of the endowment as well as the pursuit of general interest purposes, it was registered in the Registry of Foundations of the Community of Madrid on 2005 February 23rd, remaining from that moment on assigned to the Protectorate of Foundations of the Regional Ministry of Culture and Sports.
The Non Profit Music Foundation arises as a response to the current presence of classical music in the world, the progressive decrease of students of higher grade in the conservatory, the lack of motivation for public attendance to classical music performances, as an example we can indicate chamber music, and the loss of sensitivity towards social and humanitarian action.
The Non Profit Music Foundation believes that it is possible to create initiatives that help to solve these deficiencies in our society and even that these initiatives act in combination.
The Non Profit Music Foundation has among its activities to promote consonant contemporary classical music, if we can still call it classical. Since 2003 we have been promoting this type of music and we have always had the need to clarify the meaning of the word consonant.
We call consonant music all written music that puts the composer, the performers and the audience in consonance. It is simple: a composer writes the work, a performer plays it and the audience understands it.